Vessels & Piping

Extend equipment life and prevent failures

Standards require that all pressure vessels, tanks, and piping systems be scrutinized on a regular basis, so that damage can be corrected before a failure occurs. An ideal audit solution ensures you comply with regulations, cost-efficiently maintain and repair equipment, and reduce the chance of facility downtime.

The iMAP Vessels and Piping Management System, part of iMAP Software, helps engineering professionals who are iMAP certified users efficiently and thoroughly survey your facility based on the American Petroleum Institute (API) 510 and 570 standards for maintenance of piping and equipment, as well as any other applicable standards by industry or jurisdiction. iMAP Software can also be populated with information specific to piping and equipment such as gasket type, bolt type, tensioning requirements, and more.

What are the advantages of the iMAP Vessels and Piping Management System?

Evaluates condition of vessels and piping

iMAP Software helps iMAP certified users systematically record the type, location, and condition of all pressure vessels, tanks, and piping systems, with special attention to corrosion, fatigue, and mechanical damage. iMAP Software captures plant, area, and location information; plot plans, floor plans, and detailed descriptions; and geotagged photos. iMAP vessel and piping codes, built into the software and dependent on applicable regulations, ensure consistent, unbiased audit results.

Measures compliance

iMAP Software produces a comprehensive audit, measuring compliance of vessels, pipes, and tanks against applicable standards, such as Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) specifications for corrosion and erosion. You can also input corporate and facility guidelines, and recommended best practices of material manufacturers. Audits are produced quickly, since industry standards are incorporated into the software.

Establishes a Quality Assurance/Quality Control system

Many industries require facilities to implement a Quality Assurance (QA) system for piping and vessels. iMAP Software incorporates all the documents and information you need for a comprehensive QA system. The software integrates audit results, lab reports, infrared thermograph images, digital images, video clips, maintenance cycles, engineering drawings, piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID), plant isometrics, and other documents as required.

Recommends and prioritizes actions

iMAP Software prioritizes vessels and piping maintenance and repair projects using priority codes that take into account risk ratings and environmental impacts, as well as a facility’s location, industry, applicable standards, safety objectives, maintenance policies, and existing condition. Tackling high-priority repairs helps maximize equipment life cycle and increase facility safety. iMAP Software also recommends maintenance approaches that maximize equipment life cycle while minimizing costs and disruption to facilities.

Simplifies budgeting and planning

Once the audits are completed, you can create summary and detailed reports that identify maintenance, repair, and replacement priorities, recommend next steps, and project costs. You can easily configure and view reports by budget, priority codes, or equipment location, helping you schedule activities. An estimator tool built into iMAP Software helps with ordering the right amounts of equipment.

vesselsUsing IMAP Software, an IMAP certified user visually inspected a reactor at all four levels, identifying signs of heavy scaling, heavy surface rusting, and pitting at the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels.
vessels-2iMAP Software recommends repairing as per API industry standards.